With ELP Compliance, you are truly given every opportunity to excel and pass your State of Florida dealership compliance exam with flying colors. We offer you invaluable material and support in a multitude of languages to boot! Study with games that provide an interactive learning experience. Learn while you play and have a good time. Before you take your test, study with our full review study guide as a refresher to the entire course curriculum. Then when it is test time, the answers will jump out at you as you are fully prepared. Come find out why so many new and old dealerships are choosing us for their state compliance needs.
Studying with games is the future
Students whom sit in front of a book and dwelve between the pages of some dense, mind-numbing material, are always complaining of their lack of concentration and overall effort. This is why they usually give up and have certain difficulties during their tests. This is the main reason why we have developed our system of implementing interactive and fun games along with our well-organized course review study guide to supplement your studying. With the simple combination of both quality materials and truly interactive games, one is much more likely to retain the necessary information that is going to be on the state compliance exam.
So you don't speak English well?
The State of Florida is truly a multicultural destination filled with people from all walks of life and backgrounds. This being said, not everyone is from an English speaking country. We currently offer the state compliance exam in both English and Spanish. However, we will be offering the exam in more languages to help accommodate our students of other maiden tongues. Do not let such a simple thing as a language barrier stand between you and your dreams of owning your very own car dealership. With ELP Compliance, you will be able to take the state exam in your native language, thereby making those "so-called" barriers to entry all but disappear.